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Table Salt: Pink pants
In fifth grade, I entered my elementary school cafeteria at lunchtime. My classmates and I lined the wall, waiting for our turn to pick up our trays…
Lunch Break: Holler Cookin From Home
It’s the season of cookouts, barbeques, and evenings by the pool. For many, the cooking part of the cookout season can be daunting…
RECIPE BOX: Summer in a cup
If you like berries, citrus and sweet-creamy smoothies, this is the recipe for you. It starts with frozen banana and loads of frozen raspberries…
Table Salt: The singing servant
My grandma climbed the stairs, taking her place behind the podium on the stage. She adjusted the microphone, the organ music commenced…
Mimi’s Corner: Summer Chores
The past winter was a mild one, and spring started out mild as well, tornadoes not withstanding. Consequently, the bulbs, flowering trees…
Recipe Box: Cool as a cucumber
As the excessive heat wave washes over Ohio this week, we all have to find creative ways to stay cool. Cranking up the air conditioning…
Table Salt: A Sticky mess
Preparing to extract honey for the first time sounded like a sticky mess. We pulled full frames of capped honey from the boxes…
Lunch Break: A Taste of Summer
Although teachers and students are celebrating summer vacation, it can be hard for most to find the same excitement in just another passing season…