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RECIPE BOX: Seek and find
It’s already the middle of January 2025, and Christmas has come and gone in a flash. After the extra tasks that the holiday season brings…
Table Salt: Shepherding
My daughters’, Paisley and Lola, worked diligently trying to get a new sheep to nurse her lamb. The aggressive newborn…
RECIPE BOX: Poet and baker alike
Emily Dickinson is recognized as one of the greatest poets that ever lived, yet her life remains a mystery…
Table Salt: Open door
When the winter temperatures drop, we know it is time to close up more barn doors. Shutting doors blocks…
Cops ‘N Rodders
As a cop and a car guy, I have been blessed to meet some great people across this nation over the years. I’ve been an automobile enthusiast my entire life…
Mimi’s Corner: Basement Blessings
As I mentioned earlier, we are downsizing and building a new house. There are so many decisions that must …
RECIPE BOX: Warm winter breakfast
When my daughter was small, she was terrified of Santa. Of course, she wanted the gifts…
Table Salt: Giving and receiving
A couple we met at church have become sweet friends of our family. Skip and Carolyn are nearing 60…