Table Salt: Pink pants 

In fifth grade, I entered my elementary school cafeteria at lunchtime. My classmates and I lined the wall, waiting for our turn to pick up our trays. Leaning against the wall and scanning the room, I noticed a few seventh-grade girls laughing and pointing. It didn’t take me long to realize that I was the cause of their humor. Attempting to avoid eye contact, panic washed over me.

One of the girls left her seat and boldly approached me. Within inches of my face, she spoke directly and coldly. “Nice pink jeans. Do you have any idea how stupid you look?” With the sharp words pierced, she turned away laughing and rejoined her clan. My face flushed to the same shade as my pants. Thankfully, the lunch line progressed forward. I wasn’t sure what to think, feeling embarrassed and angry. Somehow, I managed to get through my day. When I sunk down in my seat on the bus, I let out a deep sigh of relief. Upon entering my home, I retreated to my bedroom to change my pants. I never wore those pink jeans again.

Now that I’m an adult and have a little more life experience under my belt, I can see that the girl who spit out the hurtful words must have been hurting herself. In the years since the pink pants incident, I have purchased myself another pair. I wear them differently. They are shaded with grace and mercy. For all the girls who were made fun of or who made the fun, the pink pants remind me of how hurt people hurt people.

When someone's unhealed heart spills over onto you, don’t hide away and change your pants. Wear pants of understanding and acceptance. So often, we conform to what others think we should be, wearing their expectations. When God calls you to wear the pants He designed specifically for you, the devil will try to upset God’s plan. Stand firm, clothed in dignity and grace. Don’t change your pants, wear them knowing you are a child of God.

“Strength and honor are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.” Proverbs 31:25


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Ashley Spring McCarroll

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