Pets of the Week - “Lucky and Punky”

Pets of the Week, Lucky and Punky

Pets of the Week - “Lucky and Punky”

Hi! We are Lucky Luca and Punky Toma and we were both rescued by our people, Mike and Lynn Terrell. Although we are 4 years apart in age, we definitely are brothers from different mothers! We are bonded in creating mischief and mayhem in the household.

Our daily activities include racing down the steps, through the banister, over the couch, and around the kitchen; stealing straws from mom and dad's drinks, guarding the house from a invaders (stink bugs, spiders, and the occasional mouse), and of course, sleeping on mom and dad's bed.

Our quite-a-bit older sibs (two Maine Coons), do not appreciate our zest for life but we believe in the motto "CATpediem"!

Want to see your pet in an upcoming issue? Send a photo and fun facts about your pet to, and you might see them featured in a future paper!


Pet of the Week - “Honey Bee”


Recipe Box - Sneezer-doodles