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Senior Citizens hold cookie exchange
Members of the Tipp City Senior Citizens enjoyed a fabulous cookie exchange. Everyone took home plenty of cookies for the holidays…
The Steve Slanker Tool Lending Library Arrives
The Tipp City Public Library is thrilled to announce the launch of the Steve Slanker Tool Lending Library, a unique resource…
Did you notice these at the Tipp City Post Office?
I played with Fisher Price toys growing up in the 1970s, then when I had my own children, I kept collecting these now vintage toys…
Library hosts paranormal guests
Many have a story or two of when they have encountered a haunting or an unusual spirit-like presence lurking in their life…
Community Service: A way of life for Bruce McKenzie
Bruce McKenzie often may have to deal with a…
GalaxyCon—quite the adventure!!
I will be the first to say, attending my first GalaxyCon was like nothing I have ever been to in my life. It’s amazing how many people .…
Library hosts Holiday Night
The Tipp City Library is always booming with activities and events that keep the community of Tippecanoe…
TCAAC Annual Holiday Gathering & Art Gallery Presentation
A small crowd of board members, artists, and other guests enjoyed an evening of holiday music…