Table Salt: He’s got you 

At six years old, my daughter, Lola, created her own game. She closed her eyes, telling us to get her. “Everybody try to tickle me,” she exclaimed. Her dad tickled her. Then, her sister poked her belly. Next, I ran my fingers across her toes. With each encounter, Lola laughed, guessing who was getting her. This went on for a while and even got a bit rowdy at times. During the entire game, Lola kept her eyelids sealed. Giggling and dancing around, she enticed someone to get her. “Try to get me,” she cackled. Part of the time, she guessed correctly, but she also guessed the wrong tickler. As the silliness intensified, her dad scooped her up by the ankles. Upside down, her belly laugh radiated throughout the room. She loved it! Still, her eyes remained closed. Lola announced between her chuckles, “I know it’s my daddy that has me.” Eyes closed and upside down, she knew her dad was holding her.

Regardless of what you face today or in the future, YOUR Heavenly Father has you! This Father’s Day might fill you with confidence in the relationship you hold with your dad. It may also carry good memories or painful ones. Perhaps you have a wounded relationship with your father or a non-existent one altogether. Rest in knowing that no matter what role your earthly father has played in your life, it’s your Heavenly Father who has you.

Humans can only extend themselves so much. Some dads had great role models, some had to fight to break unhealthy cycles, and some just did the best they could with what they had. Rest in the eternal relationship God wants to have with you. He created you and designed plans for you. Cherish the moments you have with your dad, but remember that his gifts are earthbound, and eternity depends on your personal relationship with Christ. When your life feels upside down and you are completely blind to His plan, God has you.

“God has you in the palm of His hand.” Psalm 28:9. 

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Tippecanoe Gazette

Attn: Ashley Spring McCarroll

PO Box 84

Tipp City, Ohio 45371

Ashley Spring McCarroll

You can contact her at ashley AT


Recipe Box: Father’s Day favorites 


Butler Township Trustees hold June 6 meeting on paving program