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Table Salt: Ice cream for two
Laying in my bed, I could hear my dad scooping ice cream for himself and one of my brothers. I flopped around jealously, folding…
Devotions From Calvary
It is said that a man’s heart reveals who he is by his outward actions, whether by his speech or appearance. Though in some…
Table Salt: Shifting focus
As I sifted through my half-written stories this week, debating which one to finish and submit for my column, nothing seemed fitting…
Ribbon cutting celebrates Tipp City Global Methodist Church’s new parking lot
The Tipp City Chamber of Commerce hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Sunday, September 22, to celebrate the completion of the new...
Table Salt: Flood boots
My husband and I prepared our daughters with as many details as we could about Noah and his ark before taking them to the Ark Experience in Kentucky…
Table Salt: Running the race
We have a manure pile behind the barn. All the feces from the calves, chickens, and sheep, goes on the mound. But until then, it isn’t pleasant to look at…
TABLE SALT: Impossible circumstance
We have a manure pile behind the barn. All the feces from the calves, chickens, and sheep, goes on the mound. But until then, it isn’t pleasant to look at…
TABLE SALT: The blame game
Racing through the living room, my four-year-old, Lola, threw herself into a cartwheel. She let out a scream as she tumbled to the floor…