Tippecanoe Gazette

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TABLE SALT: Just be there 

For ten years, my daughters have been taking dance lessons. Jazz, ballet, and gymnastics are their chosen styles. They have gained more than physical skills through practice weekly in the studio and daily at home. Through their lessons, they have learned dedication, repetition, and determination.

My daughter, Paisley, was working on her front handspring during practice with her teacher, Patrice Link. After working at it over and over while her teacher spotted her, Paisley’s confidence grew. With Miss Patrice’s hands gliding along Paisley’s back, she was ready to support her if needed.

As time went on, I saw Paisley’s physical and mental strength sharpen. More recently, she went into the studio and got stretched out for practice. When it was time to throw herself into the handspring, Patrice asked her a question. “Do you want me to spot you?” Paisley didn’t hesitate when she replied. “Just be there.” Patrice smiled and took one step back. She was ready and close by. She was there.

Paisley’s commitment to practicing has given her the confidence to do her back handspring, knowing Miss Patrice was there. Our relationship with God works in a similar way. Through prayer, daily conversation with Him, and studying scripture, we are preparing ourselves for any battle we may face. When we are dedicated to strengthening our souls, we can step up to the mat, and throw ourselves into the situation, knowing that God is there. He is close by, He never fails to love and guide us.

Put in the daily practice. Commit yourself to repeatedly being in communication with Christ. He wants to work with you in the studio and at home to strengthen your faith in Him and His promises. Through anything you face you can rest assured, God is there.

“With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” Psalm 16:8 


Contact Ashley at ashley@tippgazette.com

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Tippecanoe Gazette

Attn: Ashley Spring McCarroll

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Tipp City, Ohio 45371