Tippecanoe Gazette

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Table Salt: In memory of Brandon Thomas 

United States Navy, July 25, 1999-May 17, 2019 


Brandon lived his short 19 years on this earth to the fullest. He didn’t hold back when it came to sharing his huge heart with everyone he met. 

Brandon, proud to be a sailor, was so respectful of the conduct requirements set before him. His mom, Jamie, shared that he always reminded her that his headpiece wasn’t called a hat, but a cover. He was mindful of when it was appropriate to have his cover on and when it was respectful to remove his cover. Brandon honored his cover with such care.

However, Brandon lived his life uncovered as often as he could! From a young age Brandon began doing things against the flow.

As a toddler, he began walking at just eight months old. His parents knew then that they may have their hands full with a strong-willed boy. Strong is just one word to describe Brandon. He was brave, adventurous, fearless, loving, hardworking, and perhaps a dreamer.

Acts 18:9 reminds me of Brandon. “Do not be afraid. Do not be silent. Keep on speaking.”

Noah, his dad, said that he let Brandon be who he was, and did not resist his actions. His parents didn’t try to tame the free spirit in Brandon, but instead they nurtured it and let him be who God created him to be. Brandon was made to dream, share his heart, give freely, and make people laugh. He was considered the class clown. It’s said that he got that right from his mama!

Perhaps Brandon dreamed about making people laugh. When Noah and Jamie shared stories about their son, their faces were so lit up and they laughed until they had tears. I imagine that laughter and the tears were even greater in his presence.

Brandon and his brother, Brad, dreamed of helping the Tecumseh soccer team conquer Tipp City in the conference. With their dad’s investment as a coach and hard work, that dream became a reality. Brandon’s big brother scored the winning goal and that was the first, and only time that Tecumseh won over Tipp City. Brandon loved beating the odds, and didn’t mind uncovering his full potential to help make that happen.

These brothers are defined in Ecclesiastes 4, “Two are better than one. For if they fall, one will lift the other up.”

When his mom was managing the pool, Brandon rode his bike into it. Just to see what would happen. As you can imagine, he got a little wet.

This curious guy didn’t change as he became a teenager. He decided to sign up for the Navy and only tell his parents when he showed up at home with the signed papers. While his parents weren’t thrilled with this decision, they continued to be proud of Brandon’s motivation and will to achieve new dreams.

While traveling for his job, Brandon, had a dream that his late Grandma Terri was encouraging him towards enlisting in the military. Brandon had been so close to his grandma, and felt a special connection to follow this nudge.

Brandon wasn’t afraid to follow his gut and stand up for what was stirring inside his heart and mind.

Psalms 32:8 says “Life is an adventure, I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go.”

Brandon was so fulfilled after following his dream and enlisting in the new adventure. He worked hard and grew to be loved by everyone he worked with. This week, it was shared that Brandon never had a negative word to say about anyone. He touched so many lives with not only his actions but also his words. Brandon didn’t try to cover up his heart. He shared it, uncovered. 

Brandon’s family shared repeatedly about his love for his little cousins and all kids. Brandon always gravitated to playing and caring for the kids in his life.

Ephesians 6:7 “Serve with your whole heart as if serving the Lord, not people.”

I believe that Brandon allowed God to use him to be his hands and feet in the clinic where he was most recently stationed. Brandon wasn’t just filling a job title; he was allowing his dreams to become a reality and touching the hearts of everyone he encountered on a daily basis.

A side effect of living in a broken world is that not everyone will get healed on this earth, but we cannot lose to the evil of this world when we believe in Christ’s promise of eternal life.

John 3:16 offers us a promise from the Lord. “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.”

I challenge you all to take on the most positive stance in all the circumstances you face. Choose faith over fear. Invest in your own personal relationship with Christ.

What does it look like for you to turn the pain of losing Brandon into something purposeful for God‘s kingdom? What have you learned from Brandon’s life that you can use to influence someone else positively?

Don’t hide behind your hat, your job, or your fears. Live a life like Brando. Live for God, live for others, live for you, live uncovered, take your cover off.


Contact Ashley at ashley@tippgazette.com

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Tippecanoe Gazette

Attn: Ashley Spring McCarroll

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Tipp City, Ohio 45371