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RECIPE BOX: Tips and tricks for Thanksgiving
When prepping for a holiday feast, just like any major project, having a toolkit by your side will be the start of a smooth sailing…
Table Salt: The greatest soldier
On October 15, 2022, my grandpa and I boarded the Honor Flight in Dayton. We arrived at 3:30 a.m,…
Lunch Break: Won over by Woodfired
There seems to be a million different ways to make pizza. Chicago style, New York, thin crust, thick. The list goes on…
RECIPE BOX: It’s November
November is the eleventh month of the year and the fourth and final month to have thirty days. November's full moon.…
Table Salt: Pen pals
Between my daughters, niece and nephew, I think the post office does a good business! The four cousins…
RECIPE BOX: Bowl full of fun
Trading in a floured burrito for a bowl is less carbs and a bowl full of fun. Taking time to meal prep and plan ahead.…
Table Salt: On the fence
Scraping, wire brushing, and painting fences are hard work yet rewarding. Outside, in the stillness, space is held for my mind to wander…
Lunch Break: A Sandwich Worth Finding Parking For
This week, due to the well-awaited chilly weather brought on by the late arrival of autumn, I was looking for something warm, something sweet, and something savory to eat…