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55 Years ago today…Apollo 11 Astronauts landed on the Moon
“I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth…”
Total Eclipse amazes and thrills locals, no issues reported
As the eclipse began, folks in many locations watched through special glasses to observe the moon slowly…
Local Total Eclipse to delight locals, while authorities urge caution
This area of darkness, known as “totality,” will pass over the Dayton area on Monday afternoon around 3:18 p.m. Known as the 2024 Great North American Eclipse…
Commercial Space Mission Completes Lunar Orbit Insertion and Enters Lunar Orbit
For those of you interested, there will be an attempted moon landing Thursday afternoon, February 22. This will be the first powered moon landing attempt …
Tech Corner: SpaceX’s Starship reaches space before exploding by Greg Enslen
After a morning of propellant loading and final checks, the unmanned rocket’s engines ignited and the massive 11 million-pound rocket powered into the sky…