Tippecanoe Gazette

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DTCP Depot clean-up moved to May 3

The paper has received this update from Tasha Weaver, the Executive Director of the Downtown Tipp City Partnership:

“Hello everyone, I wanted to update you that Depot Clean-Out Day has been moved to Saturday, May 3rd, from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM. With the weather being more cooperative at that time, this change will make the cleanup process smoother and more efficient. By then, the bistro tables and chairs that go around downtown will have been removed, and the Lifetime event tables and chairs will have been relocated to their new storage space at the Tipp Center. This move is a huge improvement, as the Tipp Center will allow us to use the rollable storage racks and an elevator, making it much easier to load and transport tables and chairs when they are borrowed or used downtown.

With these items out of the way, we’ll have a clear picture of the remaining space and can focus on decluttering and organizing the rest of our event and holiday supplies. Thank you for your help and flexibility! Let me know if you have any questions, and I hope to see you on May 3rd.

Tasha Weaver
Executive Director
Downtown Tipp City Partnership”