Table Salt: The shepherdesses 

My daughters have a small flock of sheep. Eight ewes multiplied into a group of twenty-three. Excitement remained every time a new lamb was born. Seven sheep delivered sets of twins, while one delivered a single lamb. During the birthing process, we sat on buckets in the corner of the barn waiting for a glimpse of the new life coming into the world. 

The girls watched intensely as the lambs took in their first breath of air. Each lamb received a creative and personalized name from my daughters. One set of twins surprised us, one bright white and its twin jet black. Naturally, they named Salt and Pepper. Some of the other lambs are called Clover, Sprinkles, Jim, Bob, and Harmony, just to name a few. My daughters know each lamb by name. They can tell you which ewe belongs to which mom. 

The majority of the sheep are white, and look similar, yet my daughters know details about every single lamb. They tell me that Oreo’s babies are Sprinkles and Whipped Cream, both males. Angel has Princess and Freckles, one male and one female. My daughters have spent countless hours sitting with the sheep this winter. Regardless of the weather, they sat in the barn with the sheep. They know if one has a cough, a limp, or any other needs. 

The sheep know my daughters are the ones who come to the barn with fresh water and hay for them, and they have learned that they are safe and loving. On an early sunny but cold morning, my youngest daughter wasn’t inside when I came down the stairs. I looked around and then headed outside.

She was wrapped up in her robe, sitting in the sheep pen, holding a new lamb. We have never had to remind our daughters to check on the sheep, they find comfort from being in the barn.

Shepherdesses are what my daughters have become. They care for their sheep with hard work, dedication, and love. Each lamb is called by name every day. It’s impossible to spend so much time surrounded by the sheep without being reminded that we are part of God’s flock. He knows each and every one of us by name. He knows when we have a cough or a limp. God knows the needs we have, even before we do. He offers us food for our souls and living water through His word.

Just the way my daughters sit and watch every move the lambs make, God always has His eye on us. He cares for us daily, even when we don’t ask Him to. God is our shepherd, and He wants us to talk to Him and sit with Him. God is always right beside us. You can curl up on His lap and rest in His promises. When you feel alone, weary, and tired, know that the Lord is your shepherd, and He cares deeply for you.

“The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23.

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Tippecanoe Gazette

Attn: Ashley Spring McCarroll

PO Box 84

Tipp City, Ohio 45371





Ashley Spring McCarroll

You can contact her at ashley AT


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