From the City Manager: February 7

Third Street Stop Signs- Stop signs have been reinstalled at the intersections of Third and Plum Streets and Third and Dow Streets. Please drive carefully as motorists adjust to these changes.

Comprehensive Land Use- City staff conducted interviews with firms that submitted proposals for the comprehensive land use plan update. After careful consideration, Reveille has been selected to complete the new comprehensive plan. A resolution to approve this selection will be voted on at the next City Council meeting.

Park Shelter Rental- Interested in reserving a Tipp City shelter for an event? Shelters can be rented from April 1- Oct 31. To make a reservation, visit the Planning & Zoning office Monday-Thursday, 7 a.m. – 6 p.m. We will begin taking reservations on Monday, March 3. For questions, please call 937-667-6035.

Trash Collection- The City continues to work with Republic Services, our trash contractor, to improve service for residents. We appreciate the community's patience as we address these issues.

School Board Meeting- At the recent City Council study session, Council members met with the Tipp City School Board to discuss the future of the Broadway School property. It was a productive initial conversation, with plans for further discussions at a future joint meeting.

Uptown Redevelopment- Work on the uptown redevelopment continues. The City is tentatively scheduled to close on the Tipp Plaza property before the end of February. Once the property is officially under City ownership, we will begin taking steps to improve its condition. Additionally, the City is collaborating with our development partner, Woodard Development, to create a conceptual plan for future development, which will be shared with the public once completed.

Serve Your Community- Tipp City is seeking dedicated residents to serve on various City Boards, including:

·         Board of Zoning Appeals

·         Cable Access Commission

·         Restoration & Architectural Board

·         Tree Board

Interested residents should complete an application and submit it to Janice Bates, Clerk of Council.

My Tipp City Mobile Application- I want to continue to encourage everyone to download the app to stay updated on city services and news. It’s a great way to stay up on City news and also be notified quickly during City emergencies like power outages, road closures, etc. Thank you for your continued support and engagement with our city's progress.


Eric Mack

City Manager

260 S. Garber Drive • Tipp City, Ohio 45371 (937) 667-8425 • (937) 506-3201 Fax


Table Salt: Plane projection 


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