What’s That?!? - Methodist Church Parking Lot

QUESTION: “Hey, what’s going on with the Tipp City Global Methodist Church parking lot? Are they expanding? It seems like they’re doing a lot more than just repaving.”

ANSWER: The church is redoing its parking lot and upgrading portions of it, but the new lot will have 51 spaces, just like the old lot. They’re adding new sidewalks, expanding some areas to offer more ramps, and adding brickwork and new signage. We’ve heard that the construction will likely be completed by the end of July.

Greg Enslen

Greg Enslen is the publisher of the Tippecanoe Gazette, a weekly newspaper, and an Ohio author and columnist. He's written and published thirty-six books, including nine fiction titles and four collections of essays and columns. Many are available through Gypsy Publications of Troy, Ohio. For more information, please see his Amazon Author Page or visit his Facebook fan page.


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