TABLE SALT: The workers are few
Mid-Western Taco Salad
While most siblings argue and fight over who has to do something, my daughters compete for the workload. In my home, the banter is often fighting for the work to be done. “I’m scrubbing the sheep water buckets.” “I am mowing the yard.” “I want to get the mail.” “I am washing the sheep.” My daughters are hard workers, and it seems they take pride in contributing to the family through acts of service. For years, I have told them there is plenty of work to do for everyone and then some. There is no need to compete with one another for the chores.
Comparing who is doing what has no place in our home. It seems as though they both want to do the same job at the same time, forgetting about all of the other equally important tasks. Both girls have tasted the sweet rewards of hard work. They want to be part of reaping the harvest that comes from sowing seeds of dedication.
The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 9, Verse 37 describes Jesus' great compassion while looking out over crowds of people who have come to see Him. He recognizes they are helpless, comparable to sheep without a shepherd. Christ tells His followers the harvest is plentiful, but there are too few workers. He knows there is so much to do to prepare the human race to inherit the Kingdom of God, but the amount of people willing to invest their time and efforts into gathering people is few—more work than workers.
As children of God, we often see other’s Kingdom work and begin comparing. Don’t allow yourself to race down that rabbit hole. God has an abundance of work to be done. Plenty for all who call Him Heavenly Father. Some are called to the pulpit, and some to witness to the stranger on the street. While many are meant to lead small groups in churches, some are called overseas to a mission field. God will use any willing worker who wants to be part of furthering God’s kingdom, not one task more valuable than another.
From the pulpit to the poorest places, God is sure to be found waiting for a willing heart. Don’t squabble over the work. Peacefully accept your calling while rooting on your brothers and sisters in Christ in theirs.
“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Matthew 9:37
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