Tippecanoe Gazette

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Upper Miami Valley Students Compete in Virtual State Science Day

Sixty-four students from fourteen local schools recently competed successfully in the 2024 Virtually Judged Ohio Academy of Science State Science Day held in April of this year.  After seventy-one years of live State Science Day competitions, the last five years required State Science Day to be held as an online platform due to the COVID-19 restrictions on large events. Over 600 students from across the state participated in the competition where a total of almost one-half million dollars was distributed as scholarships and awards.  Students presented independent research projects in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.  All of the local students did exceptionally well with thirty-seven of them receiving Superior ratings.

Receiving Superior ratings were:  

Anna HS – Corrina Holtzapple, Jenna Wolters, Mallory Havenar

Arcanum HS – Kolin Frazee Timothy Johnson, Weston Hatfield

Graham MS – Adelyn Guidera, Alice Rogers, Carly Birchfield, Jenna Johnston

Holy Angels MS, Sidney – Maggie Witt, Kara Stewart, Avery Wyan, Bailey Cotterman, Jonah Francis, Grant Hemmert

Lehman Catholic HS, Sidney - Benton Verrill, Emilee VanSkiver

Miami East JHS – Bronsen Palivec, Jackson Gray

Milton-Union MS - Hadley Maye Galentine

St. Patrick, Troy – Ernesto Flores, Austin Holler

Tippecanoe HS – Sadhil Mehta, Collin Snider, Eli Voisard, Cameron Davis

Tippecanoe MS – Jaxen Anderson, Audrey Jackson, Aubrey Ernst, Ela Van Oss

L.T. Ball Intermediate – Emma Phillips, Olivia Phillips, Emily Riehle, Paisley Carroll

Urbana HS – Hazel Lightle, Kathleen McHenry.

All students receiving a State Science Day Superior rating were invited along with a parent to a celebration event held at the Ohio State University on Saturday, May 11.  Students presented their projects to scientists, engineers, university educators, peers and parents, toured selected OSU campus departments and laboratories and attended an awards ceremony.

Seventeen students earned special project awards and/or scholarships:

Sadhil Mehta, Tippecanoe HS – Excellence Award for Civil Engineering Project, Governor’s Thomas Edison Award for Excellence in Information Science & Technology Research 3rd place Aubrey Ernst, Audrey Jackson and Ela Van Oss, Tippecanoe MS – Behavioral Science Award 1st Place ($100) and Dr. Lynn Elfner Young Scientist Awards ($100 each) and an invitation to compete in the Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge

Paisley Carroll, L.T. Ball Intermediate Tipp City, Gordon J. Aubrecht Award for Outstanding Physics Project 2nd place ($100)

Collin Snider and Eli Voisard, Tippecanoe HS – Ohio Natural Energy Institute Award 1st place

Ernesto Flores, Austin Holler, St. Patrick, Troy and Emma Phillips and Olivia Phillips, L.T. Ball Intermediate, Tipp City – each a $1,000 OTTA 529 Plan Scholarships, and a Dr. Lynn Elfner Young Scientist Award ($100 each)

Ernesto Flores, St. Patrick, Troy the Lemelson Early Inventor Prize 1st place ($100) and an invitation to compete in the Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge

Emily Riehle, L.T. Ball Intermediate Tipp City - a Dr. Lynn Elfner Young Scientist Award ($100)  Seniors Cameron Davis, Tippecanoe HS, Kolin Frazee, Arcanum HS, Mallory Havenar and Jenna Wolters, Anna HS and Emily VanSkiver, Lehman HS each received Wright State University Scholarships of $2,000, renewable (4 years)

State Science Day multi-year participants were also recognized, including Sadhil Mehta, Tippecanoe HS – 7 years; Aubrey Ernst and Audrey Jackson - 4 years

 Upper Miami Valley Science Days provides the opportunity for students, grades 5-12, in Champaign, Darke, Miami and Shelby Counties, to complete and present original scientific research.  This program is organized and supported by many area schools, teachers, parents, Edison Community College, and a number of businesses, professionals, community organizations, and other interested individuals. For additional information, go to the UMVSD website at:  www.ohioumvsd.com