Table Salt: Going in circles 

“Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

The pasture, blanketed in fresh, fluffy snow, enticed the cows to go exploring. Along the hillside, I saw hoof prints looping in many directions. The tracks only went so far, then circled back around. Numerous rings of tracks could be seen in the snow. The cows made the same circles repeatedly, but they all led back to the same place, the barn. 

Inside the barn, the cows are met with a warm bed of straw, along with a rack filled with summer cuttings of grass hay. The cattle ventured out, looking for something more. Over and over, they always came back to where they got fed. Like us, we wander around looking for happiness and perhaps something more. We might go in circles, never really seeing much or finding anything meaningful. We must break the cycle of repetition and come back to where we are fed. Come to Christ. Jesus Christ always has a bountiful hayrack, full, ready to feed us. 

No matter how many circles we make, no matter how many times we blindly search for something else, Christ is ready and waiting in a warm barn. A full bale of hay awaits us to nourish our souls. Don’t wait so long! No need to impulsively go in circles. The search is over. All you need is already prepared. Come to the barn now, Christ is ready to feed your faith. 

A baby was sent to earth to save us, and He came to us in the simplest form, inside of a barn. How much time do you spend scrolling social media or scanning websites for the latest deal, seeking instant gratification? Quit wandering through the snow, creating circles that won’t benefit you or your future generations. Stop the repetitive cycle, lace up your snow boots, and confidently make the trek back to the barn. Go to the hay, the faith fuel, the stable. Christ awaits! 


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Attn: Ashley Spring McCarroll

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Ashley Spring McCarroll

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Devotions From Calvary


The gourd-ness of West Central Gourd Patch on display Library