Thanks for reaching out! Here are the answers to all of your questions…okay, some of your questions:

📫 🗞️ When does a new paper come out?

The Tippecanoe Gazette publishes every Wednesday, except for the week between Christmas and New Years.

📫 🗞️ What’s a week at the Gazette look like?

Hi! So, how does that work? Well, we're a print newspaper, first and foremost, so all stories appear in print first unless they are "breaking news" and labeled as such. Here's the breakdown:

  • Monday evenings: the Gazette staff does final reviews and sends the paper to our print shop in Delphos, OH. Sometimes it's a late night!

  • Tuesday mornings: a staff member drives to Delphos and secures the physical papers, returning them to Tipp City.

  • Tuesday noonish: papers are delivered to USPS to mail to subscribers

  • Tuesday afternoon: papers are delivered to our retail outlets for sale.

  • Wednesday: paper is delivered to subscribers via USPS

  • Thursday: SELECT stories from the print version will be shared on Facebook and Twitter, starting on Thursday and through the weekend. Sports stories often include full-size color versions of some of the photos shown in the paper. Feel free to download them at no cost! If there is something you saw in the print version that you'd like to see added to FB, message us!

  • Friday through Sunday: we create another paper and start the process all over again!

📫 🗞️ How can I subscribe?

It’s super easy. Click on the button in the top right corner of this page. This will take you to SimpleCirc, our circulation management system. Next, you’ll be prompted to choose a subscription and pay with a credit card. You can choose to have the subscription auto-renew or send you a reminder.

Some folks are subscribed through the old Tipp News site. Don’t worry, you’re still subscribed, although you may still receive renewal notices until we get the kinks in our new system worked out. Thanks for being patient!

📫 🗞️ Where can I buy a paper?

Paper copies of the Gazette are available at a range of local retail outlets, including:

*HINT* Want the newspaper first? This is the delivery order!


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