Tippecanoe Gazette

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Pet of the Week - “Poppy”

Bio: This young girl was rescued last fall after she was found left behind in an abandoned house for almost three weeks. Neighbors were feeding her through an open window, and they rescued her by carrying her out of the window. She was underweight and super scared—she wouldn't even walk.

Our volunteers at Dream4Pets saw her and quickly fell in love. We followed the “rule of 3” guide to help her become acclimated with her new environment, new people, and new routine. Poppy was with us almost six months, showing us how very smart, appreciative, and loving she is, before she was adopted into her forever home. We have no doubt she could very well qualify as a “pet therapy” service dog in the future. “Rescue” is our favorite breed here at Dream4Pets, and we highly recommend taking a look at all the wonderful ones waiting in county shelters and rescue groups.

Want to see your pet in an upcoming issue? Send a photo and fun facts about your pet to pets@tippgazette.com, and you might see them featured in a future paper!

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