Tippecanoe Gazette

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From the City Manager: February 21

City Manager’s Weekly Update

Please see the highlights from this past week along with some project updates that will impact the City in the coming weeks.

• Uptown Redevelopment- The City is scheduled to close on the Tipp City Plaza property next week. Once ownership is finalized, we will begin working with our development partner to create a conceptual plan for the plaza, which we hope to share with the public soon. In the meantime, the City will begin immediate improvements to the area. While some efforts will need to wait for better weather, initial improvements will include upgrades to the parking area, landscaping investments, and the demolition of the old Burger King building.

•Heritage Ohio Preservation Workshop- On March 10, Heritage Ohio will host a preservation lecture at the Tipp City Library at 6 p.m. This session will focus on common issues affecting historic buildings. Then, on March 11, Heritage Ohio will conduct one-on-one building assessments with downtown property owners, offering expert advice on preservation strategies. A special thank you to the Downtown Tipp City Partnership for organizing this event.

• Tipp City Kiwanis Club- This week, I had the opportunity to attend the Tipp City Kiwanis Club meeting to speak about the exciting projects and progress happening in Tipp City. I appreciate the chance to engage with the community and share updates on our initiatives.

• Park Shelter Rental- Interested in reserving a Tipp City shelter for an event? Shelters can be rented April 1 through Oct 31. To make a reservation, come into the Planning & Zoning office Monday through Thursday, 7 a.m. – 6 p.m. We will begin taking reservations on Monday, March 3. For questions, please call 937-667-6305.

• OCMA Annual Conference – Next week, I will be attending the Ohio City/County Management Association’s Annual Conference in Columbus from Wednesday to Friday. I look forward to attending valuable sessions and engaging with fellow city leaders.

• Serve Your Community- Tipp City is seeking dedicated residents to serve on various City Boards, including:

Board of Zoning Appeals

Cable Access Commission

Restoration & Architectural Board

Tree Board

Interested residents should complete an application and submit it to Janice Bates, Clerk of Council. Click here for more information and to apply. Make a difference in Tipp City!

• My Tipp City Mobile Application- I want to continue to encourage everyone to download the app to stay updated on city services and news. It’s a great way to stay up on City news and also be notified quickly during City emergencies like power outages, road closures, etc.


*There will be no weekly update next week

Thank you for your continued support and engagement with our city's progress.

Eric Mack

City Manager

260 S. Garber Drive • Tipp City, Ohio 45371

(937) 667-8425 • (937) 506-3201 Fax
