Tippecanoe Gazette

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Table Salt: Ice cream for two

Laying in my bed, I could hear my dad scooping ice cream for himself and one of my brothers. I flopped around jealously, folding my pillow over my ears to drown out the clanking noises of the spoons meeting the bowls. My dad carved out time to be alone with each one of his children. I had two brothers, who were twins and just 17 months older than me. With my bedroom downstairs and within earshot of the kitchen and living room, the nights my brothers got an ice cream date with my dad felt like torture. Of course, if it was my night, I soaked up each minute rocking in the recliner on my dad’s lap while we savored each creamy spoonful of ice cream. 

On the nights when it wasn’t my turn, I struggled to fall asleep, wishing I was the one spending the night close to my dad. As a parent now, I see how important it is for each kid to be given the opportunity to share one-on-one time with a parent, but I certainly didn’t see any value in it when I was the odd man out. While my dad tucked in two kids, he took turns allowing the third kid to stay up a little later and indulge in a treat. My brothers and I bickered back and forth, taunting the others when it was our special night. 

Unlike our earthly parents, who can only hear one child at a time, our Heavenly Father can hear every child at any moment of the day or night. My brothers and I took turns having alone time with our dad, but God is able to hold every one of us, at the very same moment. We do not have to wait in line for a special moment alone with God. He is available to us ALL the time, no matter the situation. 

You do not need a specific night planned or a sweet treat lined up. Our Heavenly Father waits patiently for us to spend time with Him. He wants a personal relationship with each one of us. God doesn’t have to put some of his children in bed to allow quiet, alone time with others. He is able to be fully present in each prayer we speak, even if we all prayed at the same exact moment in time. He is amazing, powerful, and a loving father who stays up all hours of the day and night just waiting for us to want to hang out with Him. I cherish the memories of late ice cream nights with my dad, but I look forward to a permanent spot at the feet of my Heavenly Father. 

Stop looking to others for the answers to life and start investing in your own personal relationship with the one who created you. God offers you eternal late-night alone time with ice cream for dessert. My number one priority is my relationship with my Savior. I know that if I take care of that, He will take care of everything else. 

“Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” James 4:8.


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