Tippecanoe Gazette

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Senior Spotlight: Maddie Brady

Maddie Brady

Age: 17

Sports/Clubs/Organizations: Business Professionals of America

Plans after graduation: Work in the medical field

Biggest influence: My parents

When I’m bored, I like to: Sit outside

Favorite movie: Mamma Mia

Favorite book: Breathless by Jennifer Niven

Favorite restaurant: Treasure Island

Favorite cereal: Fruity Pebbles

Talent you would like to have: Night vision

Marvel or DC: DC

Favorite school subject: English

Place you’d like to go: Ibiza

Place you’d like to have a shopping spree: Buckle

Person you’d like to trade places with: Reba

Favorite junk food: Pizza

In 10 years, I’d like to be: Successful