Tippecanoe Gazette

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Block Party Trailer promotes community connection

By Contessa Hussong


The Vandalia Block Party Trailer first rolled onto the streets in April of this year, giving residents the opportunity to celebrate the community in new ways. Since then, this readymade party-in-a-box has slowly become a summer success.

“All the reviews or feedback we've gotten so far have been positive,” Ben Graham, Vandalia’s zoning and planning coordinator, said. “What we have in there so far, they're [residents are] loving.”

Offering everything from street barricades, tables, and chairs for the event to can jam and giant Connect Four, the trailer is packed full of party supplies, all bought through grant money given to the city in late 2023. To rent out the trailer, residents only need to pay a $50 deposit — money that is completely refunded to them once the trailer is properly returned.

Graham did note that those who wish to rent the trailer will still need a permit to host a block party, but the application process is also free of charge.

“Vandalia is a city of neighborhoods,” Communication Manager Rich Hopkins said. “We felt like having a way that we could encourage neighbors to come together for block parties would be a great way to build on that neighbors concept.”

So far, that concept has held true. Since its debut, the trailer has been used 14 times, nine of those being residential rentals. Hopkins and Graham both expressed a hope that the program would continue to grow in future years, but as this first summer season comes to a close, they are still excited by the early results.

Hopkins’ main goal for the program was stronger neighborhood bonds within the community, and as he’s watched that goal accomplished, he hopes the effects will only fuel the city as a whole.

Residents may still apply to use the program even though the trailer is available for rental until October. For more information about renting the block party trailer or to see a complete list of what’s inside, please visit https://www.vandaliaohio.org/511/Block-Party.