Tippecanoe Gazette

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AOTW: Jack McMurry focused on big senior season in the pool

Ed. Note: This concludes the Gazette summer feature series for the Red Devils. This week we look at swimmer Jack McMurry.

Jack McMurry had a solid swim season last winter, with a lot of success. The Tipp swimmer is gearing up for what he hopes will be a very special senior season in the pool as he looks to add to his achievements from last year.

“My swim season last year was a blast,” he said. “I never imagined that I would have so many accomplishments. My dedication to the sport has improved dramatically, along with my discipline. I have learned to be accountable for everything I do, both in and out of the water. This is a sport that requires individual training, so you have to put in the work.”

“Though I have competition anxiety, my coaches have helped me with strategies to focus on what I need to accomplish, making me a more confident athlete and leader outside of the pool. I will say that my biggest accomplishment from last year would have to be the realization of developing a real respect for this sport. It’s hard, yes, and the training is awful, but at the end of the day, I know I will get back what I put in.”

McMurry and the rest of the Red Devils will begin the season with a new coach as longtime head coach Karl Stanbery took a job outside the district. For McMurry, the biggest thing is improvement.

“This year, I'm looking forward to being a senior and welcoming the new members of the team,” McMurry said. “I will miss coach Stanberry, but I look forward to working with the new coach so that I improve and the team as a whole improves.”

“Obviously, I would love to finally make it to the state competition as an individual and as a relay. Personally, my goal will be to improve my 100 fly. I know the mistakes I made toward the end of the season last year as I was preparing for Districts. I am facing them head on and ready for a new season of personal and team celebrations.”

McMurry used this summer to help prepare for his final season with the Red Devils, which will be here in three months.

“I swim year round,” he said. “The end of the season last year was tough, and I didn’t accomplish what I thought I could. Needing to clear my head and mentally recharge, I worked with my coach to change up my spring and summer training routine.”

“I swam for fun and got in my cardio and lifting by working for the Tipp City Parks Department and doing landscaping jobs for friends and family. Once school starts, I will get back into a more focused routine of lifting, stretching, and pool time.”

McMurry has been swimming since he was a very young child, and once he joined a competitive swim group, he could see his love for the sport growing.

“I started swimming when I was still a baby with my mom and I started taking lessons around three,” McMurry said. “I joined my first swim team at six. My mom was a swimmer and has always loved the sport, so my appreciation for it came from her. Eventually, she signed me up to be a part of the Butler Aquatics Club (BAC) team, which is coached by my mentor and friend, Greg Bergman.”

“Though I loved swimming, I wasn’t very competitive until high school. Being a part of a great program and surrounded by amazing teammates increased my desire to win. My dedication and discipline took off from there! This summer, I had a chance to attend and watch the US Olympic Swim Trials in Indianapolis. It was incredible watching my heroes swim and make the Olympic team. I even met some people there who were competing in the Masters. That’s why I love swimming…I can swim forever.”

McMurry is considering either the Navy or Coast Guard following graduation, possibly continuing to swim for either branch.