City begins work on Interchange Beautification Project
Interchange Beautification Project rendering (subject to change)
This week, the City of Tipp City kicks off the start of their Interchange Beautification Project, which will involve improvements to the entrance and exit ramps leading into and out of Tipp City.
City Alert: “The I-75 Interchange (entrance and exit) Ramps will have some lane restrictions beginning August 5th - November 8th. The construction will begin on the southbound ramps. This is due to the Interchange Beautification Project. Please be alert and drive carefully during this period. Thank you for your patience.”
From our Tipp Gazette article dated January 5: “After many years of discussion, hesitation, and finally, agreement, the City Council at the December 4, 2023 meeting voted to move forward with the Main St./I75 Gateway Interchange Project. Council had, several years ago, favored a design featuring a landscaping of bricks and plantings.
Council then worked with and paid KZF Design of Cincinnati to design the interchange, including landscape architecture, engineering, soil boring, and other services. The final design included brick pavers, low-maintenance plantings, and signs. The plan was then submitted and approved by the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT). A separate project will be needed to paint the overpass bridge and install any needed fencing.
At the December 4 meeting, Council authorized the City Manager to sign a contract with Double Jay Construction of Englewood, Ohio to construct the final design on all four corners of the interchange, making it attractive for travelers driving on either north or south I-75 and Tipp residents driving on 571/Main Street. Council had considered two bids and selected Double Jay Construction, who submitted the lowest and best responsible bid of $688,280. Both bids came in under the engineer’s estimate of $979,000.00 for this project.”
Link to the KZF website information page on the project: LINK
“KZF Design has been working with the City of Tipp City, Ohio to improve the OH-571 highway interchange on I-75 (exit 68) since 2019 to create an appealing gateway that also creates awareness, promotes the city and orients drivers. The gateway was designed to be low maintenance with a style unique to Tipp City, with signage and controllable lighting that will allow the City to celebrate its not only it’s brand, but also local events, holidays and other occasions.”