Tippecanoe Gazette

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Light table helps develop children’s creativity

MagnaTiles Light Table purchased with Tipp City Foundation grant

An addition to the offerings at the Tipp City Public Library is designed to help children develop creativity, hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.

The MagnaTiles Light Table was purchased by the library with a $1,385 grant from the Tipp City Foundation.

“They can learn shapes, colors, patterns, letters and explore how two primary colors make secondary colors. Children can learn about the principles of construction. The light table offers a fun, engaging environment for children to explore,” said Wendy Torrence, children’s librarian.

The light table adds another learning opportunity in the children’s play area that already includes books and computers.

Children can create from their imaginations and develop more controlled fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination. The light table is portable, allowing it to also benefit toddlers and preschoolers during Storytimes, which are held in the downstairs library Meeting Room, Torrence said. 

Patrons have been very complimentary about the table, she said.

“When I walk into the children's area, I see tall towers, houses and acrylic shapes overlapped and spread around like walkways. Our Storytime children have gleefully written in the sand on top of a colored acrylic panel and made flowers using assorted materials,” Torrence said.

"Parents engage in the building process with younger children and observe as older children work their magic with the tiles. Not a day goes by that the light table is not used.”

The library will purchase additional MagnaTiles and acrylics for the light table and will use it more during Storytimes, such as when programs explore veterinary care and examine X-rays. “The children's department works very hard to create a positive environment for learning and to offer programs that encourage children to have fun, learn and grow,” Torrence said.

She began her professional life as an educator and spent ten years teaching high school, middle school and preschool. She has been a librarian for 11 years in school and public libraries.

“I greatly appreciate the support of the Tipp City community and love engaging with families who attend our library events,” she said. “I believe the public library has something to offer every citizen, and I encourage those who are not our patrons to walk through our doors and experience the quality of our services.”

For more information on the Tipp City Public Library, visit tippcitylibrary.org.