Tippecanoe Gazette

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AOTW: Jackson Davis focused on unfinished business

Ed Note: Senior Jackson Davis is this week’s Tippecanoe boys Spotlight Athlete, as the key returning football player has big goals for the upcoming season.

His time is now! Senior Jackson Davis is ready, and one year after he finished second on the Tippecanoe football team in receiving yards and three touchdowns, Davis joins his fellow seniors ready to lead the Red Devils back to the top of the Miami Valley League.

“We had a lot of success last year in our 2023 season, going 10-3 and winning the Miami Valley League Championship,” he said. “It was a great season because we worked together as a team to accomplish our goals. We know there is a lot of work to be done; we lost many key seniors, but there’s a lot of talent stepping into those positions.”

“When a team comes together to fight for a common goal, a lot of special things happen. As a team, we are motivated to better ourselves each day and to go out and win games on Friday nights. We still feel we have “unfinished business.” We have goals beyond winning the MVL. We have spent the off season working together in and out of the weightroom.”

He knows what the Red Devils will need to do that, constant off-season work and focus to prepare for what is ahead.

“This year, I’ve taken the offseason as an opportunity to get faster, stronger, and more explosive,” Davis said. “Whether that is working out at the field running routes with our quarterback and teammates or utilizing the Saturday Morning Breakfast Clubs and Speed Programs Coach Burgbacher provides us, I try to take advantage of any chance I get.”

“I have been able to work very hard while being challenged every week. I have also been attending SFTraining Systems, working with Sam Faulkner and Brandon Riffell. They have played a major role in not only helping me but also some of my teammates in the offseason to prepare for the season.”

While Davis has league championships in mind for his team, he also has some personal goals in mind as he continues to leave his legacy with the Red Devils football program.

“Senior year is going to be something special,” he said. “By continuing to work together and staying focused, we will undoubtedly have a winning season. I know that Coach Burgbacher, assistant coaches, and teammates all put in the work so we can achieve our team goals.”

“I have personal goals in achieving First Team All League, Southwest Ohio, and All State mentions. Ultimately, we have many goals as a team that are most important. We look forward to going undefeated, winning the MVL outright, winning the Regional championship, and becoming State Champions. I believe as a team under Coach Burgbacher’s leadership, we have all the capabilities of achieving these goals, we just need to stay focused and keep pushing each other every day.”

Also in his future is a chance to play at the next level. He is balancing the college decision along with focusing on his final year with Tipp.

“The recruiting process and trying to find where I want to play at the next level is definitely crazy, but I am confident that I will be able to find the right place that I can call home,” he said. “I’m looking for schools that see a future for me in their football program and also give me the option to major in Business. I’m excited to see what the future holds but for now my primary focus is this 2024 season and going undefeated.”