Tippecanoe Gazette

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Tipp City Senior Boys Luncheon (and dads)

Tipp City’s graduating senior boys attended a luncheon with their dads at the Eagles Banquet Hall on Thursday, May 23rd, at 12:30 p.m. The luncheon was organized by Tipp High School faculty advisor Randy Sentman and senior Andrew Oen, with help from other seniors and faculty members.

The meeting began with a lunch of pulled pork sandwiches, macaroni and cheese, and green beans, served with lemonade or water. The highlight of the gathering was speaker Chad Liette, whose twin sons Cael and Evan are graduating from Tipp this year.

Liette’s message to the graduating seniors was that money is a tool, and with tools, there are rules. So, Liette presented to the group his seven “Money Rules.”

1.     Money is a tool, and respect it. But it’s just a tool, not the most important thing in your life.

2.     Get a plan and a budget. Continue planning throughout your life and develop budgets to save money and restrain your spending…live BELOW your means because 78% of the population lives paycheck-to-paycheck.

3.     Save. Put some money away every payday so you can handle emergencies. Avoid debt, where bad things can happen.

4.     Educate yourself about everything: money, work, family, and friends. Read books and talk to successful people. Two-thirds of people who inherit money lose it all within two to five years. You are responsible for yourself.

5.     Invest all you can. Remember #4, and it’s OK to be a little uncomfortable.

6.     Your partner can make you or break you. Choose wisely and carefully, and make sure they agree to the Money Rules.

7.     Be disciplined and persistent. Write down and evaluate your goals…Don’t Give Up!

Liette finished by saying, “You’re men now. The decisions you make and what you do now make a difference. It’s up to you to decide the man you want to be. Will you control the tool, or will it control you? You guys are the future!”

Liette also gave all attendees a copy of his book, “The Little Downy Duck,” about a baby duck who couldn’t fly, but through hard work and persistence, learned to fly and won a race. Inside the book was a piece of paper containing the seven Money Rules and a list of books about being successful.