Tippecanoe Gazette

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First camp a success for girls soccer program

It was a successful camp for the Tippecanoe girls soccer team last week as over 40 youngsters from the community attended the weeklong camp hosted by the coaching staff and players from the Red Devils.

“Camp has been awesome, and the energy and excitement has been really good,” Tipp coach Brent Palmer said. “It has been a while since the girls program has hosted an event like this, and the community has come out in droves.”

“We have been teaching the fundamentals and the basics of the game, and we played a lot of fun activities,” he added. “The goal this week for the girls was to have a good time with a community-based event they can look forward to in the future.”

The fact that over 40 kids from the Tipp area came to the camp is something that Palmer and the high school girls enjoyed, and they received a lot of positive feedback.

“I have heard a lot of really nice comments from both players and parents, thankful for the opportunity that is being afforded to the kids in the community,” Palmer said. “It is a great time to support Tippecanoe athletics and we are trying to capitalize on the energy and excitement.”

Palmer echoed the sentiments of boys basketball coach Brock Moon and how important it is for the high school athletes to give their time back to help the future players by working camp. Palmer said it is vital for these athletes to give back to the game.

“The impact they can make cannot be understated,” he said. “We are hopefully creating great moments and memories for all these younger players they can remember when they get into high school. That is how you build a program. It is a lot more than teams coming and going through the years, but programs remain the same. When you can get players that are invested in the program, that’s when you can do something really special.”

*The summer has been huge for the Red Devils as they have been training and conditioning for the start of the new season which starts in two months. “We have been hitting the ground running hard since June 1 with open fields, fitness and conditioning,” Palmer said. “We have big plans this year with a solid senior class returning with the biggest freshman class I have ever had at Tipp. We are in a nice spot.”