Tippecanoe Gazette

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Table Salt: Blown Away

Approximately seven years ago, my husband, Ryan, came home with a huge smile on his face, along with a large fan head. He was truly proud of his find in the trash! “What in the world are you going to do with that without a base?” I laughed. Ryan assured me it would come in handy one day. He said he couldn’t turn down a fan in excellent condition just because it didn’t have a stand.

For a handful of years, we moved the fan from here to there and everywhere. On occasion, I would suggest that we set it out for the trash! Then Ryan would plug it back in just to show me it still had value. I often wondered how long the fan would sit around until one day Ryan came home with the same grin. He spotted a base out in someone’s trash and it was a perfect fit for the fan! After years of circulating chuckles, the fan finally had a stable place to rest. I had waited in wonder, but my husband had waited in expectation. He was confident that one day we would have a place for the fan. Soon after the perfect match was made, our daughters began showing sheep and the fan then had a special purpose of keeping them cool on hot summer days.

Truly blown away by the patience my husband holds in every aspect of life, I admired his vision to look past the present and into the future. I am quick to see part of the picture and wonder and worry about how it will all work out. Resting in confidence that God is at work through the mundane pieces of our lives is where He wants us to lay our heads.

Pick up parts and keep them safe while trusting that God is bringing purpose, in His time. Don’t be quick to trash the things in your life that don’t seem to be useful. Even the stuff someone else sits on the curb and disregards can bring wholeness to your life through a personal relationship with God.

The brokenness, mistakes, and unfortunate circumstances in our lives are all part of a process and plan that is perfectly oscillated by the hand of God. Our Heavenly Father is your biggest fan, allow Him to work in and through you.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3: 5-7 

Contact Ashley at ashley@tippgazette.com

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Tippecanoe Gazette

Attn: Ashley Spring McCarroll

PO Box 84

Tipp City, Ohio 45371