No Paper this Week - see you January 8!!

An important reminder for our subscribers and retailer customers: we do not publish a paper the week between Christmas and New Year’s, so this year there will not be a paper put out on January 1, 2025. The staff takes the week off and I hope you do too! Put your feet up, read a book, or do what I’m doing – watching football. We will be back with a fresh paper on January 8, 2025.

Greg Enslen

Greg Enslen is the publisher of the Tippecanoe Gazette, a weekly newspaper, and an Ohio author and columnist. He's written and published thirty-six books, including nine fiction titles and four collections of essays and columns. Many are available through Gypsy Publications of Troy, Ohio. For more information, please see his Amazon Author Page or visit his Facebook fan page.

All Trash Pick-Up Modified This Week


MCSO investigates homicide in Union Township