Tippecanoe Gazette

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Annual program held honoring veterans; 29 military banners retired

The annual program to honor veterans and display the 29 military banners being retired took place at Hoffman Global Methodist Church on November 12. Rev. Tom Weeks and retired military Dennis Albaugh were the speakers.

Very moving songs were sung by Myra Lingle and Elliot Chilcote. Scott Fogle explained the history behind the banners and read the names on the banners that were on display. A moving PowerPoint of area veterans prepared by Norman Hiester was shared. Retired Air Force Jim Wright read the meaning of the thirteen stripes as retired Lt. Colonel Dr. Cliff Poling and Dennis Albaugh folded a large flag.

Anyone wanting information about purchasing a banner for their loved one should call Megan Shaw at the West Milton Municipal Building at 937-698-4191.

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